National Pain Survey by Chronic Pain Australia

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Chronic Pain Australia, a dedicated volunteer-led organization, has conducted the National Pain Survey for the eighth consecutive year. The data gathered from this survey offers a comprehensive view of the struggles, resilience, and hopes of individuals living with chronic pain and their carers. It’s an alarming revelation of the magnitude of this issue and how chronic pain can impact every facet of a patient’s life – emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Levin Health values the contribution that Chronic Pain Australia has made by championing this important research. The experiences and stories the report shares are a stark reminder of the urgent need for more action, better policies, and increased funding for pain management.

To read the full survey, click here. By doing so, you’ll gain insight into the reality faced by over 3.6 million Australians living with chronic pain daily. This will help you understand the urgent need for change and the importance of taking action.

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